Happy Holidays!
A Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate 🙂 To those who don’t my fondest wishes and hopes for you now and in the coming year 🙂 It’s very quiet and peaceful and sunny here right now, and I hope a similar atmosphere is pervading everyone’s home who reads this 🙂
Last night after I lit my candles I took the following pics of my home, and my neighbours. Although beliefs may differ, one thing that I love about my country is how easily we can live side by side with followers of different paths. It is my hope for our country (and our world) that we continue to believe and live the mantra that only light (love, knowledge, openess) can pierce and eradicate darkness (hatred, ignorance, deception). And that they not just be decorations and symbols trotted out once a year.

May the light of your season (whichever it may be) shine for you throughout the rest of ’08 and well into the New Year 🙂