BBM 2.0 – Bovetti Savory Artisan Chocolate
Bovetti Artisan Chocolate! I had never known about this company (surprise surprise) so I went online and found You know you are dealing with a French website when you click on “English” and the language is still French 😆 Fortunately some of my CXC (high school) French was still rolling around my head and I was able to navigate to some pages that were actually in English! 🙂
Here you can see all/more of the ‘tablettes de chocolat’ that Bovetti makes. Hopefully I am not the only one salivating at the array! But back to my present!

When I first saw this block of ‘chocolat noir pimenti’ I oooh and aahed. The brown cardboard packaging, the liberal jackson pollack-esque sprinkling of red pepper flakes. I almost didn’t want to bite in. It was soo..soo… ‘artisan’ (oo la la!).

But bite in I did and wow was my mouth confused! Chocolate? Pepper? Chocolate? Pepper? By the 4th block however I was convinced that the combination could and did work. Three days later the combination seemed most natural and yuh gyul was a savory chocolate connoisseur 😆 !!