Sauté Trinbago 2010: Part 4 – The Evening’s Entertainment (video)

After the magnificence of the Picton Folk Performing Company’s offering, I could be forgiven for thinking that I could take a little time out between performances. The organisers however clearly had different plans. It was not long before the notes of Shakira’s “Waka Waka” started to play as the MC announced that the bMobile Shiv Shakti dancers were taking the stage.

The Shiv Shakti dancers have been a fixture in local cultural performances for as long as I can remember and I always love the energy and joy that they convey. If you are unfamiliar with them, do check out their most famous appearance in Chris Garcia’s “Chutney Bacchanal” video. It doesn’t hurt that with their immaculate makeup, bling and hairstyles they always looked especially divalicious and glamorous to me as a child. Unfortunately I was unable to capture the first minute or so of their performance, which had more classical Indian dance elements. I had hoped that they would perform several songs, but alas it was not to be. This was it. Hopefully you can still feel the vibe 🙂

Following Shiv Shakti was the Alternative Quartet. I last saw them at Taste T&T 2008. Although their lead female violinist viola player appears to have changed, they still had the same dynamic visual presence and unconventional approach to material (a symphonic ‘Palance’ was part of their repertoire). Unfortunately, I did not record their performance, but you can get a taste of their style in my video of their Taste T&T outing.

I did however manage to capture these images…


After their performance the announcer stated that coming up next would be the much anticipated launching of Oasis, a new Carnival band. Dil-E-Nadan had been billed as one of the night’s performances, but I guess that was not to be. Taking that moment as my chance to finally fill up on the local sweets which I had not wanted to rush to before sampling ‘actual food’, I headed back to the food stalls. Apparently every one of the attendees had gotten there before me! Aiaiai, that will teach me next time. They had had plenty tamarind balls, sugar cake and red mango too!! 🙁

Many of the stalls at this point were closing, and the ones that weren’t were doing brisk transactions as many patrons it seemed were now ready to ‘chow down’ (after filling up on sweets it appears :P)

I had fully intended to head home at this point, however I was having such a great time that I kept wondering what was next. Besides, I really wanted to see Shurwayne Winchester, who it appeared they were saving for last. After my umpteenth Shandy, I figured hey why not stick around and take in ‘d beads and feathers’. I’m glad I did … 🙂

Tomorrow: Sauté Trinbago 2010: Part 5 – Oasis Carnival Band Launch 2011