Featured Chef: Ramin Ganeshram
Aloo Pie, Pigeon Peas & Rice, chow-chow?????? Trinidadian food still is not well-known internationally, largely in part to a lack of published documentation (a fact which Trinifood expounds on here). Fortunately Ramin Ganeshram‘s Sweet Hands: Island Cooking From Trinidad And Tobago
was released in 2005 and is probably the most internationally available cookbook devoted to traditional Trinidadian fare.
She took time out to tell GlobalChefs.com about her part memoir, history and cookbook of Trinidad & Tobago
“Sweet Hands is a both a memoir, history and cookbook of Trinidad & Tobago. Some reviewers have described it as a tribute to my father as well. The book talks about the food history of this nation which is a true fusion of the cuisine of European colonials, African slaves, indentured Indian and Chinese, Syrian immigrants and native peoples. Each recipe has a story and a history that in itself is as interesting as the tastes of the food.”
You can read the full interview here.