Trinidadian Holiday Bread Traditions?

Double chocolate oreo cheesecake (and yes those are marshmallows under the topping!) – Vie de France,Trinidad So perusing the old ‘interwebz’ I came across this press release from the Atlanta Bread Company. They were issuing their holiday bakery offerings and it made me think. Hmm 

Sugar High Friday #25: Truffles

Can I just say how surprised I am that “ciabatta bread” and “trinidad black cake” are now both tied as the most popular search terms used to find this site? 🙂 Maybe I should not be as surprised by the Black Cake searches (this being 

Fodors Travel Wire | Epicurean Caribbean: 10 Restaurants Worth the Splurge

Profiteroles with vanilla icecream and chocolate sauce with almonds – Battimamzelle Restaurant (Trinidad) Photo taken by the lovely and generous Chennette 😉 Fodor’s Travel Wire has come out with their list of Ten Best Caribbean restaurants, and sadness of sadness there isn’t a Trini name 

The Sephardic Table – Pamela Grau Twena

The Sephardic Table: The Vibrant Cooking of the Mediterranean Jews So with all these Christmas recipes that I’ve been posting you probably think that Christmas is the main holiday that is coming up in my life. Nothing could be further from the truth, you see 

An Evening At The Chef’s Table – Woodlands Inn, South Carolina, USA

Does anyone else here like to watch Michael Lomonaco on the Travel Channel’s Epicurious? Oh he’s such a delight! I adore him! 🙂 Well right now they’re showing old episodes with a very annoying female sidekick so I’ve stopped watching, but when it’s just him 

Trinidadian Food (through other culture’s eyes)

It’s always fun and amusing to see yourself (and your culture) through another’s eyes. I have over this weekend had this opportunity, not one but, two times! Firstly I was mentioned by one of my favorite food bloggers Cooking With Amy! There are no words 

Taste of Home Magazine

Several weeks ago I saw the editor of Taste of Home Magazine on Sara’s Secrets. I thought that the concept of the magazine sounded appealing (reader-submitted and tested recipes), so I jotted down the name. Am a tad worried though that it may be nothing 

Angostura Bitters – The Taste of Trinidad

Angostura Bitters – The Taste of Trinidad

When I was studying in the USA it seemed that every bar had Angostura bitters on its shelves. I realized that to Americans this tiny bottle was seen as a cocktail ingredient. How so very different from here in Trinidad where Angostura bitters is a 

Shop @ Veni Mangé

Shop @ Veni Mangé

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I’ve opened up an Amazon (aStore) called Veni Mangé for TriniGourmet. Veni Mang???, which is Trinidadian Creole for ‘Come and Eat’, as I’ve written earlier is the whole mindset behind Sadly to say there are 

How Familiar are you with Caribbean Cuisine?

How Familiar are you with Caribbean Cuisine?

Help me to improve by answering this simple question. It should only take a minute and your answer will help me to add new features to the site. I’ll be posting the results in the near future. Thanks for your input 🙂 [poll=2]

Oil Down

Oil Down

Oil Down, is a colloquial Caribbean name for any dish of vegetables cooked in coconut milk until all the milk is absorbed and the ingredients have turned into a creamy mush (or have ‘oiled down’). The two most popular oil downs are breadfruit oil down 

Pumpkin Hummus

Pumpkin Hummus

Tonight, while perusing my Blogroll I came across an exciting recipe for Pumpkin Hummus! I will -definitely- be trying this recipe at a later date and will post my results (and any changes) in the near future. Yumm!

Making Homemade Pasta (excitement and trepidation)

Ever since I read a memoir about homemade noodles in Bridges journal several years ago I have been enthralled by the idea of making my own pasta. Still, I am yet to do so. Why? Mainly intimidation. what if I bomb? What if i make 

Veni Mangé

Veni Mangé

Veni Mangé (VEN-ee MAR-jay), a Trinidadian creole expression for “Let’s Eat”, sums up the ethos of As a self-taught devotee of all things culinary I enjoy finding new ways to express my own Trinidadian and Jamaican heritages in the kitchen. On these pages it