TWD: Banana-Apple Crisp


Yes! I’m back! 🙂 A day late for the proper Tuesdays with Dorie post but back nevertheless. Thanks so much for the inquiries and well wishes, I have been dealing with some chronic health issues that flare up from time to time. But now everything seems to be under control again 🙂 And just in time too! I’ve been working hard lately over the last few months to begin losing some extra pounds that have accumulated so I was really glad to see this recipe was this week’s challenge. Although the original recipe calls for a filling of apples and cranberries, I decided to focus on what I had on hand and combined apples, bananas and raisins. Not only was it almost too effortless to put together, the final result was so delicious that it practically all disappeared the same day (even my notoriously finicky father had seconds and thirds!) This recipe is definitely a keeper, I can’t recommend it enough! Even if you lighten the original recipe by using a little less butter and sugar it will still be very very good.. You can also turn the receipe vegan or pareve by substituting margarine for the butter, and feel free to get adventurous with the fruit combos. It seems very forgiving! 🙂

For this Apple Crisp recipe turn to pages 422 of Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours or visit Em of The Repressed Pastry Chef