‘Raw’ Avocado Icecream (recipe)

MMMM avocado. I’ve had more than my fair share this month as an experimental week of Raw Eating became a gradual lifestyle change. I’ve always loved avocados. All they need is a little salt and black pepper at the peak of their ripeness to turn their rich creamy texture into something almost other-worldly. Until this week however, I’ve only ever thought of them as a savoury ingredient. That all changed when I came across a recipe for Avocado Ice Cream! Avocado as dessert? Hmmm… my usually cautious palate would have skipped this recipe in November, however over the past 30 days I have found myself attempting (and adapting) a variety of raw recipes, most of which combined ingredients in a way that first disturbed me logically, but upon each tasting won me over, time and time again. So, when a recipe for Avocado Ice Cream came along, my initial reaction was no longer “Hell No” but instead a cautiously curious “Why not?”
If ever I need a reminder that it’s good to step outside of one’s comfort zones from time to time, this recipe will be it. The avocado’s smooth nature, lends itself well to providing the silky texture that is loved in an icecream. Honey and vanilla extract then add some much needed, and surprising, sweetness without overpowering the dominant flavours. Although it wasn’t in the original recipe, I also added some flaxmeal, as I have become a huge fan of its properties and have found myself looking for ways to incorporate it into as many meals as possible. As if raw desserts were not already surprisingly delectable, I find myself still amazed that they are so darn healthy as well!
For those of you in tropical climates, such as myself, why not go bold in the New Year and give it a try when you get a chance 🙂 And for those of you facing the snow, hope I didn’t make you feel even chillier 🙂
P.S. As I actively incorporate more raw dishes into my daily diet (my goal is to remain 60%-70% raw in 2009) I will be sharing more and more of these recipes with all of you. To this end I have added a ‘raw’ tag to my recipe database. The offerings are scanty at the moment, but I do expect that to change 🙂 Many changes will be coming to TriniGourmet.com in the New Year visually and otherwise and I want to thank everyone who has been with me on my culinary journey so far. May we continue to share and eat 😀
‘Raw’ Avocado Icecream
Source: Adapted from a recipe on GoneRaw.com
1 1/2 cups cashews (soaked, in enough water to cover, for 4 hours)
2 avocados
2 cups water
1/4 – 1/2 cup honey (taste to test) – substitute agave/stevia to taste for vegan
2 tablespoons coconut Oil
2 teaspoons flaxmeal
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
pinch of sea salt
1 Put cashews, avocado and water in blender.
2. Blend until smooth
3 Mix in remaining ingredients until smooth