Eid Menu 2010
Eid-Ul-Fitr will be observed in Trinidad & Tobago with a public holiday on September 10th (date subject to change). Like most religious holidays in Trinidad it is marked not just by strong community observance but also with warm interfaith participation. Because so many communities share this small space of land it is not unusual to have many religions represented on one street and neighbours at the end of the day are still neighbours. This year I haven’t been able to accept any of the Eid invitations I’ve received but that doesn’t mean I won’t be there in culinary spirit 🙂 Below is my own quirky spread, but don’t stop there, do check out Chennette‘s wonderful Eid food Flickr Set
Trinidad Phoulorie
Spicy Tomato Soup
Moroccan Chicken Over Couscous
Green Bean Bhaji
Carrot Halvahs
To my Muslim friends and readers out there, Eid Mubarak 🙂
For more information visit the Eid Portal on the National Library Service’s website.