TGRWT #2 – Savoury Banana Fritters (recipe)
Although this is the first time that I am sharing an entry to They Go Really Well Together (TGRWT) this is actually not the first time that I’ve created a recipe for this ongoing ‘Molecular Gastronomy Project’. Unfortunately my first creation was so ghastly, so toxic, that I could barely swallow one bite and promptly attempted to discard it when my mother’s frugality exploded and she insisted she would eat it (and did!) … *shudder*
Even though I was utterly exhausted today, after shipping out various orders, I was determined to meet this month’s deadline, and to do so with something that was actually edible, and hopefully also tasty!
This time around the challenge was to create/prepare a recipe that combined banana and parsley.
[TGRWT] refers to flavour pairing of ingredients based on their content of volatile aroma compounds. The idea behind flavour pairing is that if two (or more) foods have one or more volatile compounds in common, chances are good that they might taste well together.
My first thought was to create a banana stuffing, but that was more effort than I was willing to put out with my eyes already half closed, so I came up with these fritters instead. I was really impressed with how they came out, very soft and airy. Fresh out of the oil the parsley flavour is subtle, however it strengthens the long that the fritters sit. This is something to keep in mind, depending on how much you like parsley, and how you intend to serve the fritters. I think these would be perfect as appetizers with some mango or tamarind chutney. They would also make a lovely side to a dish of stewed chicken, or any other meat dish with lots of gravy. Definitely a win, and worth repeating 🙂 I -will- tackle that banana stuffing idea at a later date though 🙂
Savory Banana Fritters (a TriniGourmet original!)
1 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 cups oil for frying
1/2 tsp chopped parsley
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 large overripe banana,mashed well
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
pinch salt
ground black pepper to taste

1. Sift all dry ingredients together
2. Add well-beaten banana
3. Add sugar, water, pepper flaskes and parsley and stir to combine

4. Heat oil in a heavy pot
5. Drop banana batter into the hot oil by the spoonful and fry until golden brown.
6. Drain on kitchen paper towels

Makes 14 fritters
This recipe is an exclusive TriniGourmet original. Please do not share it or post it to your site without crediting A link back to our site is not necessary but always appreciated 🙂