Author: Sarina

How To Grow Your Own Bean Sprouts!

Sprouted Lentils with Black Olives, drizzled with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and black olives. Simple and perfect. Fresh sprouts. There is nothing like them. They are crunchier, sweeter, more vibrant in flavour than anything you can buy on a supermarket shelf. Up 

Banana Basil Smoothie (recipe)

Since mid-December I have spent my weekdays consuming mostly raw dishes and drinks. Smoothies in particular have become my staple breakfasts (and sometimes stand in for lunch and dinner as well!). They can be simple, just 2 or 3 ingredients, or elaborate, containing everything but 

Fresh Ginger and Chocolate Gingerbread

“Decadence with a smile”, those were Jason’s first words when he first tasted this Fresh Ginger and Chocolate Gingerbread. Following his example I also dug in and had to nod (or moan) my agreement. “It’s like something I’d actually buy!” I said, and coming from 

Black Bean Soup with Cilantro Pesto (recipe)

Without a doubt this is definitely one of the best bean soup recipes that I have tried. I have no idea where I got it from, it’s been floating in my recipe file for more than a few years. One of the reasons why I 

Trinidad Saheena (recipe)

I made these traditional Indo-Trinidadian appetizers last year as part of my Eid menu. Chopped spinach stirred into a splitpea flour base and then fried, delish! I prefer mine relatively light , especially when fresh out of the oil, but some make theirs denser. The 

Local Crixmart

Crixmart, Eastern Main Road Many formerly dingy roadside stalls and stands have, for the past year, been sporting shiny red ‘swag’ thanks to the Bermudez Company, the manufacturers of Crix. Normally I am not a fan of overt corporate branding, but this is one form 

Chicken Satay with Spicy Peanut Dipping Sauce (recipe)

It’s that time of the month again! .. No, no, that’s not what I meant… I meant it’s time once again for The Happy Sorceress’ monthly Blog Party 😆 ! This time around the theme was Tiki Party! Tiki Parties are one of my favourite 

Chicken Cacciatore (recipe)

Big Night, was a movie that I knew nothing about until becoming aware of it via Joelen’s Culinary Adventures “Foodie Film” event. Warm and poignant the movie centers around the ambitions of two brothers, Italian immigrants to the US, intent on making their dreams of 

Bananas Ripening

This is how we hang bananas bought green, so that they can ripen without developing soft spots from resting on a surface 🙂 You will know that the banana is ripe when it starts getting spots. I’ve noticed the bananas (and mangoes) in US supermarkets 

Roadside Market Stand

Roadside Market Stand, Churchill-Roosevelt Highway

‘Raw’ Tomato & Macadamia Mozzarella Linguine (recipe)

When I first learnt about Chef Spotlight Dinners organised by Joelen of Joelen’s Culinary Event I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to showcase another raw dish and to learn about those chefs who specialise in preparing (and popularizing) raw cuisine. Among the key 

Bertram’s Pepper Sauce (redux)

Late last year my father was at it again… making his annual batch of pepper sauce! I am so happy that many of you have made it and enjoyed it. If you haven’t already seen or tried the recipe, you can learn how to make 

Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon (recipe)

Originally made to break the Yom Kippur fast last year, this photo (and recipe) for Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs has languished for quite some time in my Drafts folder. Thankfully, Kochtopf’s ‘Smoking Allowed’ event has encouraged me to bring it into the light of 

Vidalia Onion Fritters (recipe)

I first made these fritters as part of last year’s Sukkot menu. They are much sweeter and lighter than one would expect. And the soaking of the onions in the batter ensures that the onion flavour mellows and evenly distributes. It also makes the onion