Author: Sarina

Thanksgiving Recipes – Island Style

Thanksgiving Recipes – Island Style

If I was to host a Tropical Thanksgiving, what would I serve? That question has been in my head with all the Thanksgiving promotions on the US television channels. So, for this post I thought that I would troll the ol blogosphere for Thanksgiving recipes 

Angostura Bitters – The Taste of Trinidad

Angostura Bitters – The Taste of Trinidad

When I was studying in the USA it seemed that every bar had Angostura bitters on its shelves. I realized that to Americans this tiny bottle was seen as a cocktail ingredient. How so very different from here in Trinidad where Angostura bitters is a 

Shop @ Veni Mangé

Shop @ Veni Mangé

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I’ve opened up an Amazon (aStore) called Veni Mangé for TriniGourmet. Veni Mang???, which is Trinidadian Creole for ‘Come and Eat’, as I’ve written earlier is the whole mindset behind Sadly to say there are 

How Familiar are you with Caribbean Cuisine?

How Familiar are you with Caribbean Cuisine?

Help me to improve by answering this simple question. It should only take a minute and your answer will help me to add new features to the site. I’ll be posting the results in the near future. Thanks for your input 🙂 [poll=2]

What to Bring to the Party – Suggestions for a Gourmet Lover

What to Bring to the Party – Suggestions for a Gourmet Lover

Holiday time is upon us and that means one thing. Entertaining. Whether you are visiting someone’s house for a few hours or a weekend it’s always good form to carry something in hand. But what do you choose that hasn’t been given 1000 times before? 

Morgan Freeman and Friends: Caribbean Cooking for a Cause

Morgan Freeman and Friends: Caribbean Cooking for a Cause

Book Description: In September 2004, Hurricane Ivan ravaged the small Caribbean island of Grenada, destroying homes and changing lives forever. Longtime island-lover Morgan Freeman established the Grenada Relief Fund in 2005. Now comes this beautiful cookbook, bringing together a bevy of celebrities to benefit this 

Study: Vegetables may keep brains younger

Study: Vegetables may keep brains younger

From Yahoo!News By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer Mon Oct 23, 7:41 PM ET CHICAGO – New research on vegetables and aging gives mothers another reason to say “I told you so.” It found that eating vegetables appears to help keep the brain young and 

Recipe Search with Google Recipes!

Recipe Search with Google Recipes!

Well, it’s official, Google has ‘unofficially’ entered the recipe database field. Although not announced on its homepage you can now access Google Recipes via this link. Features include: ?????? search by main ingredient ?????? search by regional cuisine ?????? search by food course ?????? search 

Festive Chicken Fried Rice

Festive Chicken Fried Rice

What do you do when your pantry is nearing critical shortages and you only have a little bit of chicken in the fridge? Cook up a quick, filling, and EXTREMELY tasty fried rice! The mushrooms, chicken, and rice can all be prepared the night before 

Oil Down

Oil Down

Oil Down, is a colloquial Caribbean name for any dish of vegetables cooked in coconut milk until all the milk is absorbed and the ingredients have turned into a creamy mush (or have ‘oiled down’). The two most popular oil downs are breadfruit oil down 

A Taste of Culture: Japanese Culinary Arts Programs

A Taste of Culture: Japanese Culinary Arts Programs

Hungry to learn more about Japan? A TASTE OF CULTURE culinary arts program combines spicy tidbits of food lore with practical tips and skill-building lessons on how to prepare Japanese food. Programs offer a unique opportunity for foreign residents and visitors from overseas to explore 

The Bon Appetit Cookbook: More than 1,200 of the Magazine’s All-time, Best-loved Recipes

The Bon Appetit Cookbook: More than 1,200 of the Magazine’s All-time, Best-loved Recipes

The Bon Appetit Cookbook: More than 1,200 of the Magazine’s All-time, Best-loved Recipes The Boston Globe says: “There’s a new addition to the category of doorstop cookbooks — which includes the venerable “Joy of Cooking and the timeless The Gourmet Cookbook. Bon Appetit bills itself 

No Veal on hand? Use Chicken!

No Veal on hand? Use Chicken!

Chicken is a meat that can be substituted easily for veal in dishes calling for this “baby” meat. You will be surprised how you won’t really tell the difference in your recipes and the substitute will also save on you pocketbook. Source: Chicken replaces veal 

Ten Secrets of Slow Cooker Success

Ten Secrets of Slow Cooker Success

I love my slow cooker! I can prep early in the day, clean up the kitchen and just go about my normal routine knowing that come evening I’ll have something hearty and HOT to fill myself (and my parents) with. However slow cooking is not