Author: Sarina

Fried Eggplant (recipe)

You know one of the unexpected discoveries of having a food blog is realizing how much our parents keep from us about -their- culinary pasts. Before I started TriniGourmet I thought it was reasonable to assume that the foods my parents made were accurate reflections 

Danish Kringle (recipe)

I originally made this recipe for a 2007 edition of “Weekend Breakfast Blogging: Ethnic Dishes With A Twist”. Since then it has generated quite a bit of traffic, especially from Chowhound, something that -really- makes me smile 🙂 In the original challenge the host wanted 

Sweet Hands: Island Cooking From Trinidad And Tobago

Sweet Hands: Island Cooking from Trinidad and Tobago – Ramin Ganeshram Book Description Callalloo and Buss Up Shut, Mother-in-Law And Kuchela, Chip Chip and Doubles. The verbiage of Trinidad’s cuisine is both lyrical and mysterious. The variety of foods from this Caribbean nation and their 

Upside Down Chocolate Pudding (recipe)

Upside Down Chocolate Pudding (recipe)

This post was originally published January 23, 2007. It has been updated once since then. It was coming down to the wire for Sugar High Friday #27. The theme was chocolate and I still had no clue what I was going to make. Everything that 


“Universal suffrage is the only guarantee against despotism.” – May Wright Sewall My finger as it appeared in 2007 and as it shall appear by Monday evening. Tomorrow, Monday 24th, we Trinbagonians return to the polls to determine who our country’s next Prime Minister will 

Ciabatta Bread (recipe)

This recipe for Ciabatta Bread creates a very light loaf, soft and chewy on the inside with a thin crunchy rustic crust. I originally made it for my mom’s birthday in 2006, before she developed a gluten allergy and it was a huge hit. Since 

Bertie’s Trinidad Pelau (recipe)

Bertie’s Trinidad Pelau (recipe)

My father’s pelau is (not surprisingly) my favourite and has been a staple over the long Carnival weekend in my family, for as long as I can remember. Now my father is a man with a very narrow cooking repertoire, but what he does do 

Shavuot: Festival of Milk and Honey (2010 menu)

Gnocchi Pomodoro (recipe linked below) Shavuot is an annual Jewish festival of dual significance. Agriculturally, it commemorates the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple, historically, it also celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. To mark Shavuot 

Ensalada Chuchu (recipe)

Famous in Brazil We call chuchu christophene Click here to learn more

Trinidadian Roti – An Overview

This post was originally published December 13, 2006. It has been updated once since then Roti. Four little letters that have the power to put any Trini into a smile-infused stupor 🙂 Along with pelau I consider it one of Trinidad’s national dishes. East Indian 

Mother’s Day Menu 2010

Birds in my mother’s garden (May 2010) Happy Mother’s Day everyone. Hope it is a happy and safe one 🙂 Am getting an early pre-dawn start on this year’s menu 🙂 • Fresh Green Bean Salad • Fillet A La Veracruzana (Rachael Ray Show) • 

Butternut Squash Soup With Ginger (recipe)

Adapted from a recipe in Bon Appetitmagazine, this warm and creamy soup became an instant classic in my home and graced the table at last year’s Passover Seder. Butternut Squash Soup with Ginger Source: Adapted fromBon Appetit Yield: Serves 6 Ingredients 2 butternut squash (about 

Tennessee Banana-Black Walnut Cake with Caramel Frosting (recipe)

Made this 3 years back A Paula Deen Recipe We are still dating

Red Red (recipe)

Red-Red is a Ghanian dish I stumbled across quite accidentally while looking at a recipe for Kelewele that was kindly sent to me via my Facebook page by Corinne, a regular contributor. Traditionally served with fried plantain it is a rich, luscious and spicy combination